Set an example for younger ones by the way you treat your elders. Though our fathers may not be as learned and exposed...
Quote Of The Day 351
Don't just keep waiting. Look out for, recognize and seize opportunity when it comes. Right now, people may not...
Quote Of The Day 350
What a privilege it is to not only bless the next generation, but also the third generation after you. What an honor...
Quote Of The Day 349
Don't whimper and whine because of difficulties around you. Be strong and strengthen yourself to finish well. Don't...
Quote Of The Day 348
Strengthen yourself. Even in times of sickness and weariness, strengthen yourself to complete your duty. You may not...
Quote Of The Day 347
Don't let the young generation drive their destiny without having exposed them to the blessings and ways of the...
Quote Of The Day 346
Our greatest safety is in joyfully releasing all to Him who has purchased us for Himself. It's strange that after He...
Quote Of The Day 345
This human existence is but a brief moment in the scope of eternity. While we cherish this short life, we must locate...
Quote Of The Day 344
Be a faithful steward of the responsibility and the power given to you. What you are today is because of a trust...
Quote Of The Day 343
It's good to be generous to all people, but not at the expense of your family. Why should your resources serve other...
Quote Of The Day 342
Reject the oppression of negative thoughts. Don't just look at the bad times but also the good. If we focus only on...
Quote Of The Day 341
How you manage your day will determine how you finish your race. Your daily disciplines, daily actions, daily response...
Quote Of The Day 340
The best way to manage our pilgrimage is to look at it as days, not years. Of course, there is value in looking into...
Quote Of The Day 339
Stop reducing yourself because you lack certain worldly treasures or you lack certain human skills. You are who you,...
Quote Of The Day 338
Competence is the ability to take care of an area of endeavor and have the skills and experience to provide...
Quote Of The Day 337
Don't look down on others because they are different. Always remember that they were created by God just as you were...
Quote Of The Day 336
Once your benchmarks are clear, your life will have meaning and direction. Once your parameters are clear, you will...
Quote Of The Day 335
What is your benchmark in life, after which you want to leave this temporary dwelling place? What are your references...
Quote Of The Day 334
There's nothing like God coming to you personally and directly; calling you by name. One personal experience with God,...
Quote Of The Day 333
Depending on how you do it, preferential treatment is not necessarily wrong, because affections and commitments are...
Quote Of The Day 332
When we forgive those who hurt us, we must go beyond words to show actions that prove our words. Let's be vulnerable...
Quote Of The Day 331
If I have God's perspective on life events, my behavior will be positive and in line with heaven's mandate. If I live...
Quote Of The Day 330
Perspective affects actions and attitude determines behavior. The way I see things that happen to me or those around...
Quote Of The Day 329
Be careful not to conceal the sins of your past or your present because they have a way of catching up with you....
Quote Of The Day 328
Have self-control and know where and when you can openly display your emotions. Yes, emotions should not be bottled...
Quote Of The Day 327
Your abundance is not tied to your place in the food chain. Your abundance is linked to God showing affection and...
Quote Of The Day 326
Some feel that firstborns usually get undue privileges, but that is only human thinking. What God has ordained for...
Quote Of The Day 325
Know the right place and the right time for every action. Look at the bigger picture of what is at stake and let our...
Quote Of The Day 324
God does not owe us an explanation or an apology. God is God and He will perfect the Word He has spoken in His own...
Quote Of The Day 323
The test of genuine repentance is in the willingness to return what you took that did not belong to you. If i...