Humanity is primarily concerned with and makes decisions based on the central motive of survival. But we need to live...
Quote Of The Day 321
In life, we need to know what we are looking for and what is needful; and we need to pursue the search for that...
Quote Of The Day 320
Knowing that men will do anything to wriggle out of a tight situation, we need greater discernment and accuracy to get...
Quote Of The Day 319
We only engage in risk when the price is worth it. Outline your life priorities, and it will become clear the things...
Quote Of The Day 318
Don't let thevision die. Remember it. Write it down. Meditate on it. At the appointed time, God Himself will engineer...
Quote Of The Day 317
Even when the vision delays, wait for it. If it is from God, even though it has taken years to manifest, it will come...
Quote Of The Day 316
Whatsoever is, therefore, precious to you, place such regulary before your eyes and in your mind. Don't let it slip...
Quote Of The Day 315
What you set before you is what you remember. What you place as your priority is what you will be thinking about and...
Quote Of The Day 314
Don't complain when men don't trust you. The only way to prove yourself trustworthy is to be trustworthy. Trust begets...
Quote Of The Day 313
Your desire for God is a good beginning, but it must translate into further action. It must lead to certain personal...
Quote Of The Day 312
The depth and breadth of divine revelations and blessings will not come to someone unwilling to pay the price for it....
Quote Of The Day 311
Don't die in silence. That there are no resources where you are does not mean that there are no resources in the land....
Quote Of The Day 310
Two prayers: First, that God will help us forget certain toils, and pains from the past. Living in the pains of the...
Quote Of The Day 309
There is power in the twin sisters of discernment and wisdom. The man with these qualities is stronger than a mighty...
Quote Of The Day 308
It is unfortunate that some people consider savings as an unspiritual exercise, yet we can preserve our future through...
Quote Of The Day 307
Don't just be a problem analyst; be a problem solver. Look critically at the problem; understand the problem. Then,...
Quote Of The Day 306
Prophetic dreams are dreams that show you the things that are yet to happen in the future, and God sometimes show...
Quote Of The Day 305
Taking the glory that belongs to God is one of the surest ways to kill the continuous flow of the gift of God through...
Quote Of The Day 304
Resist the temptation to show yourself as someone special n your rights; as someone skillful by human ingenuity. A...
Quote Of The Day 303
Don't just rush into God's presence. Come boldly but first prepare yourself. You need to clean yourself up quickly and...
Quote Of The Day 302
God's gifts are not tied to your location. You are who you are in Christ, and your skills are what they are in christ....
Quote Of The Day 301
Promotion is linked to production and skills. One key to personal promotion is seeking to diligently develop you...
Quote Of The Day 300
The secret to beauty is in your feeding. Watch what you feed on. Feeding on the green grasses of God's word and God's...
Quote of The Day 299
Be bold to seek God to give meaning and direction to people. Don't hold back or fear engaging your world. People are...
Quote of The Day 298
When you walk through the unsure about where you are headed, you will carry a certain weight and pain with you. Don't...
Quote of The Day 297
Don't compare dreams. Each man's life and each man's dream have their interpretations. Don't lump your life's...
Quote Of The Day 296
IRREVOCABLE TRUTH: Prosperity is not tied to where you are. Success is primarily connected to who you are and whom you...
Quote Of The Day 295
Wherever you put a man who has God's blessings, he will prosper. The hallmarks of God's presence cannot be controlled....
Quote Of The Day 294
Those who seek your good today may be the very ones to seek your destruction tomorrow. Never trust anyone who tries to...
Quote Of The Day 293
Our best game plan when in a tight corner may be to simply run away. Leave everything and get out of that situation....