Quote Of The Day 492

Quote Of The Day 492

Watch the small things. Beware of things that makes sense and yet are not of God. Guard jealously your inheritance. Obey the inner voice. The man who thinks he is beyond deception may actually already be caught in it.
Quote Of The Day 491

Quote Of The Day 491

We must be extra vigilant. Since deception doesn’t need much succeed, a little deception can grossly pollute truth. The enemy is sowing small doses of poison every day. He operates a slow but deliberate process.
Quote Of The Day 489

Quote Of The Day 489

What’s the usefulness of all our bible knowledge and great anointing, if we don’t show love? What made Jesus famous was not primarily His great teachings and expositions. Jesus became famous because He touched mankind with love.
Quote Of The Day 488

Quote Of The Day 488

The summary of the life of faith is love. The danger with religion is that you could fulfill all the requirements of the law and the law may acquit you as “righteous”, yet by the laws of love, you have failed. The real issue should always be the expression...