The Paradox

July 18, 2016

Galatians 2:20 (NKJV)

‘I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.’

I have been crucified with Christ but I now live. That is the paradox of the spiritual life. My life- the life that is really mine- has been crucified with Christ. The moment I believed in the atoning work of Christ and surrendered to it, the miracle happened. I don’t understand it all but what I know is that when I believed, the life that was mine (with all its pollutions and ugliness) was transported and translated and transfixed upon the cross and it died there- together with Christ. And then I was issued another life, but in this new life, it is the resurrected Christ who now lives in my mortal body. Isn’t that amazing?

So although I live, it is Christ living in me and through me; but I still need to walk with Christ by having faith in Him who lives in me. Simply put, Christ lives in me, Christ is the life in me yet because my will is not dead, Christ in me will only work as far as and as much as my faith and my will permits Him to work in me.

‘Lord, I don’t understand it all and while theologians may go to great lengths to make sense of it all, I simply want to kneel in awe of this work of Christ that overtook my old life, ushered in a new life and continues to work out this paradoxical life of miraculous existence. I am dead but I live; yet it’s really Christ living in me. Am excited. Am blown away. Am blessed beyond measure. Amen’


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