August 15, 2016

Galatians 6:1 (NKJV)

‘Brethren, if a man is overtaken in any trespass, you who are spiritual restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness, considering yourself lest you also be tempted.’

If I see or hear of any brother falling into any kind of sin, I must never rejoice in this. Only Satan rejoices in the failure of a brother and we do not belong to Satan’s camp. I must not join those who seem to relish telling the stories of those who have fallen into sin, as though there were any glory coming to God in retelling such stories. If I am a spiritual man, I must mourn when a brother falls into sin. I must genuinely grieve because this is an act of Satan preying on the carelessness of man. I must be genuinely concerned and burdened by the situation.

But beyond that, I must do something. The first thing to do is to pray for the person. And then, if it is someone I know and can approach to help, I need to genuinely reach out to assist the brother get back to his feet. I must walk with him on the path of recovery. I must not stand aside and watch him struggle under the heavy burden of sin and guilt. I must give him hope. This is the spiritual response expected of the spiritual man. I must not judge him, condemn him nor be quick to discipline him if I had the authority to so do. According to scripture, my goal must be one thing: restoration. Knowing that I also will be tempted and I also am liable to fall, I must deal very gently with those who have fallen, praying at the same time that the Lord delivers me from falling into a similar situation.

‘Lord, preserve me from falling into any form of sinful activity, for sinful living is not your will for me. But Lord, help me to be a channel of your restoration to any of my brethren who may have fallen into the murky waters of sin. May I never rejoice in this but earnestly reach out to assist such a one. Give me your heart of gentleness when providing any assistance, knowing that what happened to him could have happened to me. In Jesus name. Amen.’


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