September 8, 2016

Jude 1:22-23 (NLT)

‘And you must show mercy to those whose faith is wavering. Rescue others by snatching them from the flames of judgment…but do so with great caution, hating the sins that contaminate their lives.’

In these last days, we must also be proactive in engaging our world and freeing men from the powers of hell. When we see a brother wavering or becoming unstable in his faith, we must be quick to reach out and stabilize them. We must not give the enemy an opportunity to steal or extract one of the brethren. Wherever and whenever someone is beginning to shake, we must be quick to dash into that situation, analyze the struggles with them and immediately seek to offer whatever assistance they may require. The key is not to remain on the fence discussing the situation but rather, engage with them.

Another thing we must do earnestly is reach out to those already caught by the sins of our world. They are trapped and cannot release themselves except we engage them. Look out for people who are trapped but may be open for deliverance. And even if they are not open outwardly, no sinner is at peace on the inside. We must be a rescue team reaching out to the lost and dying world. A caution alongside this is that we must be careful not to be careless, for if we are careless, we ourselves can be socked into their very life of sin, while attempting to rescue them from sin. The strategy is to release the prisoner without becoming a prisoner yourself. Know your limits very well, and tread very carefully.

‘Lord, deliver me from the observer mentality. Deliver me from watching the decay spread around me while I do nothing about it. I have been called into the army of the Lord, to establish the purposes of my King. Give me the constant vigilance to know how to help my struggling brethren and how to engage my dying world. For what is the profit if I am well and headed heavenward but my world is decaying around me and I do nothing about it. Free me from thinking only of myself, and push me out to always engage my world. Amen.’


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