September 8, 2016

Psalms 1:2 (NKJV)

“But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in His law he meditates day and night.”

This is again so ordinary and so basic, that one wonders why we fail to practice this simple key to blessedness. We want to have those high and mighty solutions to the spiritual drought in our lives when God’s instruction to us is the stuff of ‘Level One’ Sunday School curriculum. There are two simple instructions on how to interact with God’s Word and these simple practices will transform our spiritual experiences if we practice them.

The first instruction is that we should not read the Word of God as a law and a routine but we ought to read with delight. What ensures we enter the blessedness of His presence is that we actually come to God’s Word, excited to meet with God there. We should enjoy the opportunity to seat with the Word and consume the Word. The second simple instruction is to meditate on the Word: internalize it, drink it deep, reflect on it. We are not to rush through the Word and then move on to something else more exciting: we are to take the Word into our spirits and keep thinking on it and chewing it all through the day and even at night. Bring the Word of God into your world and make it a part of your system- that’s the way to enter the blessed life.

‘O Jesus, I am so busy that I don’t drink deep enough of your Word and I have failed to sit down to drink in and keep your Word within me all through the day. My life is so distracted that my mind is filled with all sorts of earthly stuff that squeeze out the space of your Word. But today, I commit to more intentionally reflect on and meditate on your Word, for I know that only then will I encounter you The Blessed One, in my day.’


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