September 10, 2016

Psalms 1:3 (NKJV)

“He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth its fruit in its season, whose leaf also shall not wither; and whatever he does shall prosper.”

Life happens in seasons and one of the ways to know a spiritual man is that he understands the seasons of life. All seasons are not the same and not all seasons produce the same types of fruit. The discerning man is the blessed man who knows what fruits are expected of him in what season.

But he bears fruit. He is not barren. Though the fruits differ, he, however, bears the required fruit in the right seasons of life. The ungodly man withers when he should be bearing fruit. He does not have what it takes to produce his fruit in his season. Because his roots are not rightly anchored, he labors hard but still continues to wither. His internal life is dry and empty and he has no spiritual evidence of God in his life.

It is possible to bear fruit all year round, but the fruit produced will differ from season to season. It is possible to live above withering and barrenness, if only our roots are correctly located. Who is the blessed man? He is the man who can discern his seasons and who remain fruit bearing because his roots are correctly located.

Do you bear God’s fruit in all your seasons or do you wither in certain seasons of life? How do we hold up when the harsh seasons come? If we stop bearing fruit in any season, then we are not living the blessed life.

‘Lord help me not to expect the same type of fruit in all seasons. Give me discernment to know when my season has changed and therefore my fruit would need to change. But irrespective of season O Lord, deliver me from withering and barrenness; deliver me from that emptiness of life that has no usefulness either to myself or to God. Deliver me Lord from pleasures and pursuits that will only leave me as a withering tree. In Jesus name. Amen.’


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