September 12, 2016

Psalms 1:4 (NKJV)

‘The ungodly are not so, But are like the chaff which the wind drives away.’

The ungodly unfortunately are those who do not have roots in God, who do not delight in God’s Word and neither meditate on it; and they love to scorn people. Such people do not only not bear fruit, neither do they prosper in the things that matter to heaven, but they are people who have no value in the things of eternal significance. They are like chaff: not good for eating, not good for sowing, not good for anything.

The ungodly man who chooses not to be rooted in God is a wasted life; a lightweight that heaven does not recognize. And such a man has not the ability to withstand the winds of life and winds of God’s judgment. Because his life is built on sand and although he may seem to prosper and be successful for a brief season, once the wind blows, he collapses and cannot be found. He cannot withstand the drought seasons of life, he cannot contain opposition, he cannot stand trials, he cannot withstand the scorching heat of God’s investigation. He cannot stand on the day the wind blows. Unlike the righteous man whose life is built on the Rock, whose roots are deep in the Rivers of God, this ungodly man really has no foundation in this life or the next and is simply a shadow going through existence: a false living that has no relevance in the scales of eternity.

Choosing to live life un-rooted from God is the greatest mistake we can make. Ungodliness is the other name for a chaff-life existence. Are we un-rooted chaff?

‘Oh, that this may never be my portion. That my life may never become an empty vanity that believes and lives the lie of futility. O Lord, never let me depart from your waterbed and please use me to attract the ungodly away from their lives of futility and vain pursuits. This I ask in Jesus name. Amen.’

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