October 11, 2016

Psalms 7:8-10 (NKJV)

‘…Judge me, O Lord, according to my righteousness, and according to my integrity within me…for the righteous God tests the hearts and minds. My defense is of God, who saves the upright in heart.’

We New Testament Christians have come to accept and believe in a wishy-washy faith that takes away all personal responsibility and puts everything on Christ. Yes, Christ frees us from the wrath of the Law and Christ grants us forgiveness of sin, but does Christ free us from taking ownership of our wrongful actions? If the Saints of old could pray like this without the ‘fullness of the indwelling Spirit’, how much more should our righteousness and integrity exceed theirs? Is Christ taking us backward and making us operate below the righteousness of the Old Testament Saints?

David knew that only God was his defense and only God could save, but he also knew that this salvation and defense were tied to his lifestyle. So he was bold to make the prayers he made. Though fearful, he called on God to judge him according to his integrity. Wow! Can we pray that prayer today or do we simply dismiss all our righteousness as coming from Christ, so we are ok to live as we want- free from all accountability and integrity?

Can you ask God to test your heart and judge you according to your integrity and your righteousness?

‘O God of David, I don’t know how this man could look at you and make these statements but in Christ Jesus, may I live in such a way as to indeed be able to make these statements. May your righteousness in me not simply be judicial but practical. As was said concerning Jesus’ practical life on earth, may you look at me and indeed say- ‘I find no fault in him’- and that this would not only refer to the work of atonement but to the personal evaluation of my daily life. O God, I want more than a Redeemers’ judicial righteousness. Surely, I want a righteousness that is from you, my Redeemer but one that is also visible and touchable and discernible and testable. For my righteousness purchased in Christ cannot afford to be less than the righteousness of the men of old, who lived before the advent of Christ. This I ask in Jesus name. Amen.’


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