October 23, 2016

Psalms 10:4-6 (NKJV)

‘The wicked in his proud countenance does not seek God; God is in none of his thoughts. His ways are always prospering…He has said in his heart, “I shall not be moved; I shall never be in adversity.”

It is heart wrenching to see the proud and the wicked get away with their pride and boastfulness. Because he continues to prosper in the things he does, he does not see a need for God or anyone else but himself. He has lived up and believed a lie that all shall always be well with him and he has no need to fear anything.

This is Satan’s delusion upon the wicked and the lost. He keeps them in a state of deception and distraction by feeding them the lies of satisfaction in wickedness. They are so settled and comfortable and the devil makes them believe that they will never see adversity. They need help. They need an awakening and only God can do this work of awakening from the sleep of death. The wicked need help from God; the help of sensitization and awareness of their death.

‘O Lord arise and show them the emptiness and the slipperiness of where they are. Help them see that their comfort of today is going to be their plague of tomorrow. Wake the wicked up from his delusion and bring the thought of God into his consciousness. Lord, this is my cry for the comfortable wicked who think they can never be moved. Move them if necessary into adversity that they may awaken into the knowledge of God. This I ask, in Jesus name. Amen.’


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