DAY 3: Tear Down, Uproot, Resurrect

December 7, 2016

‘Lord I am tired of this self-life that keeps deceiving me and tripping me up. I know the work of the cross is painful, but since that is the only way to be free from the disgusting influence of the veil of the self-life, I invite the work of the cross to do a complete work of uprooting the very fabric of the self-life with all its deceptions. And as You do this Lord, do not mind my cries for mercy. Go ahead and uproot and tear down this wicked veil, so that I may after that enjoy what I have so desperately wanted, which is, the full and natural gaze into the face of my Lord and God.

No mercy for me Lord. Uproot everything that stands in my way of getting a full gaze of Your face and glory. By the work of the cross and the power of resurrection, may I experience O Lord, the full wrath of God against all vanity within me and I ask You to crush every disease of the old life that wants to continue lurking around me. I gaze at You Jesus and in that gaze Lord, I see the hope of resurrection after the destruction of the cross. So go ahead, Lord. Tear down. Pull down. And then raise back to life, only that which is worthy of resurrection. Amen.’


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