‘O! Shut up you babbler of the 21st century, you who are so easily satisfied with the promises and experiences of...
DAY 29: I Can’t
‘I’ve tried, but I’ve failed over and over again. I am tired of trying to conform. I can’t be true to myself if I keep...
DAY 28: Love Me supremely
‘My son, don’t hate the world for I created it. Don’t hate the things or the people of the world because I created...
DAY 27: I ache
‘Lord, I ache for Your return. I ache from living in this world. I struggle between the need to be fruitful here...
DAY 26: Quietly Listen, Says the Lord
‘My son, to walk with me, you must practice constant quietness. It’s not possible to come with me and still allow the...
DAY 25: I want You!
‘To You Lord, I’ll be true. No matter what happens to me, I have crossed the line and cannot look back. It’s too late...
DAY 24: I need Your heart
‘Help me Lord to see with my heart, even when I am blinded by bitterness and pain. Teach me not to see or read men,...
DAY 23: The Miracle
‘Lord, this is exciting to see that Your life is really what is within me and that I am not responsible for my life,...
DAY 22: You’re Here
‘Lord, it’s so good to know that You’re the “very present help.” It’s good to know that I cannot fall beyond Your...
DAY 21: The Beauty Of Weakness
‘O Lord, You’ve been trying to teach me, but I didn’t get it. Weakness is actually a great blessing. Those who are...
DAY 20: Joy While Waiting
‘It’s an irony that while we wait for the Lord to come and to meet with us, to visit us, to show Himself to this weary...
DAY 19: Don’t Shut Up!
‘O Father, how can You be silent while these parasite preachers turn the death of Christ into a toy for personal...
DAY 18: Incompatible
“What you desire deep within your heart is inconsistent with what the world is offering. The reason you feel such an...
DAY 17: Stay Simple
‘O! How I want to live simply. Life is so complicated. O! How satisfied I am and will be, just having God and having...
DAY 16: There’s Nothing Here, Nothing
‘Sometimes I wonder if I am okay. I so much want more than what I have. I so much want more. I sense there’s more of...
DAY 15: Only You Can Clean Me
‘I know I can never be clean by myself. I had tried so hard to attain an acceptable purity based on works, but I kept...
DAY 14: Pleasures & Rest
‘I used to think that I would find rest if only I had such and such a thing. But I’ve discovered over the years, that...
DAY 13: Rest & Restlessness
‘I am a restless soul. My rest is only in Christ and yet I am restless because I need more of Christ Himself and...
DAY 12: I Against The World
‘I can’t be like the world, and the sooner I accept this, the better for them and me. It’s better I come out...
DAY 11: Living To Honor You
‘Honor thy father and thy mother means to listen to them and obey them. If I honor You, Lord, therefore, then I am...
DAY 10: Whole & Daily Consecration
‘Lord, I see that Your life was so perfect while You lived in the body of this flesh. You did not disdain the flesh,...
DAY 9: Deliver Me From Falsehoods
‘Lord Jesus, deliver me from myself because in myself dwells no good thing. There is so much falsehood and...
DAY 8: It’s About Your Glory
‘It’s all about Your glory and honor; it’s all about taking my rightful place of total submission to You O Lord. When...
DAY 7: My Great Longing
‘My life O Lord is punctuated with a thousand distractions, all insisting that I gaze their way. Your call to ‘look at...
DAY 6: I Need To Hear Clearly
‘Lord I know You are always speaking. My biggest problem is that I don’t always hear and many times, I hear and...
DAY 5: Restless
‘Oh Lord; now I understand where You’ve been trying to bring me and where You’ve wanted to take me away from. Oh...
DAY 4: I Need Deliverance
‘Am trembling as I write because I know very well the things You have been demanding that I give up, but I have...
DAY 3: Tear Down, Uproot, Resurrect
‘Lord I am tired of this self-life that keeps deceiving me and tripping me up. I know the work of the cross is...
DAY 2: Open My Eyes
‘My spiritual faculties are dull but not dead O, God. Because You live in me, they are still alive but not sharp or...
Day 1: I Need To Grow Deeper
‘Your world O Lord is all around me, but I need to grow in spiritual receptivity and spiritual immediacy to the divine...