‘Lord Jesus, deliver me from myself because in myself dwells no good thing. There is so much falsehood and pretense that it becomes difficult sometimes to know who is the real me. The fabric of artificiality sometimes weaves itself into my everyday thinking, such that I find myself subconsciously doing something in a particular way because I want certain people to see me in a special light. Sometimes, I say things with some exaggeration, and even if the exaggeration is ever so little, yet I wonder why I had to exaggerate, if not to tone up an image or give a sense of greater wonder of my person or my ability. It’s all about Self at the end of the day and the cry of my heart, is that I may learn to be meek and lowly and satisfied in whom You’ve made me to be.
You, Jesus, were full of power and miracles and wisdom and divine authority; and yet You were meek and lowly, and I hear You invite us to be such. The meekness that means spiritual weakness is not what You want of me because I know it takes spiritual strength to be meek and meekness is a sign of spiritual strength. So deliver me from pride and every form of self-elevation, irrespective of how it’s disguised. Also, deliver me Jesus from all my insecurities that promote falsehood; and teach me to rest in You, and the true me in You. Amen.’