DAY 11: Living To Honor You

December 23, 2016

‘Honor thy father and thy mother means to listen to them and obey them. If I honor You, Lord, therefore, then I am obliged to listen to You and obey You at all times. But, my question to myself is this: ‘Do I honor You at all times?’ Are Your heart desires my heart desires? Honoring a person requires discipline and dexterity. It is not a light thing to have to honor You, my Lord and my God. From my experience, I can identify times when I struggle to honor You in my actions and thinking. It was for Your honor that I was saved so that even the very breath of my mouth was meant to honor You. I must honor leaders and kings, but I must never let the honoring of men bring me into any form of conflict with honoring God. Whenever ever face such a crisis of loyalty, the honoring of men must give way to Your honor, O God; for man is but transient and the honor we give people is also transitory. But the honor I give You lasts for eternity because nothing of God dies or diminishes in value or order.

I believe Lord, that honoring You stores up for me also, a reward that does not fade away because You live forever. So teach me, Lord, to daily live in such a way that You can derive from me, the honor You rightly deserve. May this be my worship to You, in Jesus name. Amen.’


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