DAY 12: I Against The World

December 25, 2016

 ‘I can’t be like the world, and the sooner I accept this, the better for them and me. It’s better I come out clean and make my stand known so that the world can stop thinking that I may one day be like them. The hope that I may join their fold is what keeps them suggesting and approaching and enticing; hoping that I will one day see reason and join their gang. But I cannot adhere to the world. I know the evil world system is not necessarily in the material things that are usually considered as the world. The world is a psychology and a way of thinking. The world is a manner of life and a scale of priorities. The world is a pursuit and a purpose that is not in tangent with heaven’s priorities. For these reasons, becoming aligned with the world is becoming a traitor to my God. I cannot give up the heavenly cause and the spiritual pursuit, and degrade myself into the dim lights of earthly living.

The world has its king, and I have mine. I am not angry at the world until it tries to insist I conform to its ways and bow to its king. I am of another Kingdom, and I bow to that King. I will make war against anyone who tries to push me into a mold that I do not belong. I have tried that old kingdom. It was pleasurable for a season until the bitter tastes of its unforgettable emptiness became overbearing. This was when I discovered the sweet fragrance of Christ, and although He always knew me, I was taken by surprise by the lavish pleasures found in this new Kingdom. Now that I have been delivered from the futility of living for the world and by the world’s standards, how can I in all good conscience again return to the same vomit that I had thrown out of my system? Am I a dog to so do? The world system and I are irreconcilably irreconcilable; and the sooner the world understands this, the better for both of us. Likewise, the sooner I settle forever in this conviction, the better for me.

‘Lord, my stance is clear and irrevocable. Make me a perpetual enemy to the world and make my position abhorrent to the world. This is my desire so that we forever remain as sworn enemies on this side of eternity. I pray for this, in Jesus name. Amen.’

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