DAY 14: Pleasures & Rest

December 29, 2016

‘I used to think that I would find rest if only I had such and such a thing. But I’ve discovered over the years, that this too was a lie, one of Satan’s many lies peddled to the sons of men. Pleasures of this life do not bring rest. They may bring a temporary satisfaction to the human soul but beyond the soul is a deeper recess that earthly pleasures cannot satisfy. For example, sex brings pleasure for a fleeting moment and there are times when the desire for sex may overshadow and becloud every other desire. But after the momentary pleasure is over, the man is returned to his normal restless void. The same experience happens with other earthly and human pleasures. They cannot satisfy the deeper cravings of the human spirit. Money, power, reputations, property, position- all bring with them, dim lights of satisfaction, but sooner or later, these leave the bitter taste of emptiness in the soul.

For those who have had the privilege of achieving their great life pleasures, they afterward are left wondering: ‘why did I spend all my life chasing this? There’s got to be more?’ Indeed, there is more; much more than this life can give and only those who discover this truth early enough, turn away from the pursuit of earthly pleasures and turn to the search for God. When God-chasers encounter worldly pleasures, they take them in as part of the little blessings from the Almighty Creator to the earthly sojourner, but they never pause to drink in pleasure or caress the pleasurable things of this life as an end in itself. Those who are restless with earthly pleasures will find real rest; because they know their rest comes from beyond, the pleasures of this world.’

‘Lord, teach me to live beyond earthly pleasures. When I have them, may I enjoy them as gifts from You but Lord, may the vanity of such transient pleasures never douse my sharp cries for the ultimate pleasure, which is found only in You. You are our Ultimate Pleasure. This is my prayer, through Christ my Lord. Amen.’


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