DAY 16: There’s Nothing Here, Nothing

January 2, 2017

‘Sometimes I wonder if I am okay. I so much want more than what I have. I so much want more. I sense there’s more of You that can be had and I am ashamed to remain in these murky waters and dim lights. There’s more Lord. Please don’t leave me here. Please don’t leave me here. Here I am kneeling, weeping for more. Oh, Lord. Can’t You hear my cries? Why do You not answer me? Oh Lord, open my eyes to see You in greater splendor. Oh Lord, draw me up and away into the inner chambers of Your house. Why can’t I feel You? Why can’t I touch You? I know You’re here. I know You’re right here. But I need to touch You, to touch You by the fingers of faith. I don’t ask for money. Am not asking for mansions. Am not asking for great things. I want more of You. I need to feel You. I need to know You. I need to enter deeper into You. If I can’t go beyond where I am, then I am but a wasted soul.

But I will not give up. I will not let the so called ‘bright lights’ of this dingy, dark prison cell, dim the true heavenly glow of my celestial city, the heavenly city, that is here and yet there; that is near and yet far. And these trinkets of earthy pleasures seek to becloud the true riches that stare at me from yonder. I want those riches, Lord. I want those riches. I will not be deceived by these fake glitters called earthly comforts. I want the Eternal Soothing that abides forever, even to them who have discovered it. Take me behind and beyond Lord. Yes, don’t leave me in these murky waters of superficial living, wherein the whole of humankind wrestles and twists for a piece of the moldy bread, which actually does not satisfy beyond the immediate pleasures of a brief lifetime. All these fleeting pleasures are irrelevant compared to the eternal pleasures that await those who enter Your company. O Lord, take me away from these dry deserts into the final resting place of the hungry soul. And while I dwell here, the earth is only livable when I can see where my real home is and where my Father resides. Open my eyes to see. Keep them open. Amen.’


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