DAY 22: You’re Here

January 14, 2017

‘Lord, it’s so good to know that You’re the “very present help.” It’s good to know that I cannot fall beyond Your reach. It’s so good to know that my pains, loneliness, hurts and disappointments are not new to You. It’s good to know that You’ve been here before me and actually went ahead of me to handle my situation, to take charge, to take over and to provide me with help. And even when it pleases You to allow me to go through sorrow, it’s so comforting that I am not going through it alone. It’s good to know that even when men praise me and make me think myself big and important. You’ve been there before. You’ve seen how the crowds were so moved by Your life and ministry, that they wanted to make You king – by force – but not in God’s way or God’s time. But You never trusted in their praises or their plans, and rightly so, because a few days later, the same crowds shouted, ‘Crucify him.’ So You know how to teach me humility and how I must never give my heart to the praises of men.

You’ve been there. You’ve seen the mighty miracles occur through Your life and yet heaven instructed You to tell them, ‘Tell this to no-one.’ You’ve been there, and You are here. All I need to do Lord is keep listening to Your instructions because my safety on this lonely pilgrimage is to keep pace with You and to keep an attentive ear, as You’ve been where I am, You’ve been where I was, and You’ve been to where I am going. Hallelujah.’


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