February 1, 2017

Genesis 1:1 (NKJV)

‘In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.’

Such a simple, yet very profound sentence. Two monstrous truths just poured out through that one sentence. Firstly, there was a beginning. Much as some great intellectual scholars will like to prove otherwise, there was a beginning of all created things; there was a beginning of everything we can see. There was a beginning of life as we know it. The second profound truth is that before the beginning, there was Someone. Someone made the beginning. Someone created the beginning. For the beginning to be a beginning, someone had to have decided when the beginning was.

God is the ever existent pre-beginning Being. God has always been and always will be. For zillions of years before the beginning began, God was and after all would be wrapped up and tucked away, God will remain. And we also need to dismiss the picture of God creating creation because He was lonely in the pre-beginning existence. With God, time is timeless and for God to be who He is, He is complete in Himself and does not need anything or anyone to complete Himself. He is God.

‘Lord God Almighty, I join the hosts of eternal beings to bow at your Majesty and Awesomeness. In our little minds, Man has dared to think He could understand and configure you. But you are the Almighty and we bow before you, our Lord and Creator. Amen.’


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