February 3, 2017

Genesis 1:3 (NKJV)

‘Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light.’

God speaks, and the Word of God is full of creative power and life. All God needs to do to change a situation is to speak His Word. God does not need to struggle with man or demons or anything else. God’s Word is sufficient for any situation. When God sends His Word into darkness, darkness has not option. Light does not discuss or negotiate. Light just has to be light in order for darkness to recess. That’s the power of the inherent creative Word of God.

It is interesting how the entire darkness that covered the face of the waters, simply dissipated by the presence of His Light. In whatever situation I find myself, therefore, I need to remember this simple truth: God’s Word is the Light that makes the difference. God’s Word is the penetrating force that creates order and purpose, where there were chaos and vacuum. God’s Word is Truth and Light. Embrace this and you are on solid ground, all the days of your life.

‘Lord, I still remember your first Words to me as a new believer was that I needed to have faith in your Word. I am reminded again today, how your Word is the core need of my life and if I can only align with your Word, your light and truth will come flooding through any situation I find myself in. Lord, please keep reminding me of this and help me to stay true to your Word. In Jesus name. Amen.’


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