Genesis 1:29 (NKJV)
‘And God said, “See, I have given you every herb that yields seed which is on the face of all the earth, and every tree whose fruit yields seed; to you, it shall be for food.’
After God had settled the issue of who Man was to have dominion over, the next important task was how Man was to feed. It’s not a coincidence that God put the issue of Man’s mandate before dealing with the issue of Man’s sustenance; which carries a huge meaning for us, namely, ‘Purpose Precedes Provision’. Once Man’s purpose was clearly spelled out and understood, God organized his feeding plan. Man was to feed strictly on herbs that yield seeds and every tree whose fruit yields seeds. This was the food regimen in the beginning.
But we have digressed from this simple meal plan. We have introduced all manners of other delicacies that continue to have grave and negative health implications on Man. These new eating plans are much tastier and extremely delicious, but they are also the causes of our early deaths, gross obesities, growing lists of incurable physical and mental diseases and so on. This is not a call to return to vegetarianism but just a reminder that the early feeding plan was very simplistic and must have had a much more positive impact on the body and mind of our early ancestors.
If we don’t embrace full vegetarianism, could this be a call to redirect our current meal plans to include more of the naturals that God had prescribed in the early scheme, namely more fruits and veggies? Peradventure, this would help us regain a healthier body and mind, which always has a positive spill-over effect on the spirit.
‘I need you to give me the fresh discipline to change my meal plans and to tame my taste buds so that my body can feed on the more holistic and healthy foods you have graciously provided for me. Amen.’