Genesis 2:20 (NKJV)
‘So Adam gave names to all cattle, to the birds of the air, and to every beast of the field. But for Adam, there was not found a helper comparable to him.’
It is interesting that Adam was expected to do all this service while he himself was lonely and needing a companion, yet there was none found for him. The word ‘found’ gives the impression that there was a searching for a helper. Adam longed for someone, someone to serve alongside with him and someone who would be a suitable companion. But he could find no one in all of God’s creation. We don’t know how long he searched but he must have named all the animals and still realized there was no one ‘comparable and suitable’.
And therein lies the beauty of Adam’s service. He served while longing for a helper. He didn’t get annoyed with God or any of the animals. He simply kept using the authority of God to bless God’s creation. This is service. This is true use of authority. This is living the God-way.
We are called to use God’s authority to bless God’s creation, despite our own obvious lack. For example, is it not strange to see healing evangelists heal the sick and yet they languish with debilitating sicknesses? Isn’t that an irony? May we serve mankind with all the grace and authority granted us, irrespective of if our own needs are met or not. And may we serve joyfully, despite our obvious needs, waiting on God’s time and God’s season to meet our own needs.
‘Such hard truth and yet that’s the essence of our calling: to serve and to bless, despite our needs. May we find the heavenly grace to so do, knowing that our faithful God will soon meet with us in our own needs. Amen.’