Genesis 3:4-5 (NKJV)
‘Then the serpent said to the woman, “You will not surely die. For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” ‘
The most dangerous deceptions come from half-truths. They contain the truth but do not fully represent the truth. They have within them, seductive introductions of truth but hide the effect of obeying the lie. What Satan said was actually true. By eating the forbidden fruit, they would begin to know good and evil. That was the truth. What Satan had lied about, was that they would not die. That was a blatant lie and he knew it.
The most powerful lies, therefore, are lies that contain large amounts of truth. Our most stringent battles are therefore never against blatant lies but half-truths, and this fight requires the highest levels of spiritual discernment. Eve fell because she didn’t discern the tiny lie hidden within the chunks of truth. May we grow in the practice of daily discernment, so that we can see clearly, hear clearly and respond clearly.
‘Lord, this is a repeated request. I need to discern the lie. There are lies everywhere, hidden everywhere. People speak truth laced with lies and lies laced with truth. Satan makes several good proposals, sprinkled with lies. And we can’t see them Lord; we just can’t! But you live within us and I know you know all things. Help me see what my eyes cannot see and teach me to hear what my ears do not hear. This I ask specifically in Christ’s’ name. Amen. ‘