Genesis 3:6 (NKJV)
‘…She also gave to her husband with her, and he ate.’
Although you are with someone you love, you must not naturally accept his or her conclusions or perspectives on an issue. Each man must define his definition and design his limitations. That a ‘well intentioned and well beloved’ took a decision does not naturally confer on me the same obligation to walk on the same path. Survival in this world needs a spirit of inquiry and a spirit of rebellion.
‘Yes I love you and yes I respect you but no, I will not eat what you eat or drink what you eat. If our friendship must end because of this, then so be it’. This is the confession of the survivor. Adam was there. He was with her. He may have seen the interaction and heard the conversation. He knew it was wrong. But why then did he comply? Could not his refusal to eat have been the eye opener for Eve?
We must speak forth whenever we see our beloved ones being seduced away from the truth. Silence over their situation may lead to our own seduction, even as the poisons of new paradigms spread and take root closer to home. A sharp rebuke and a refusal to participate are indeed true signs of love when obedience to God is at stake. Be a rebel, even to the ones you love.
‘Make me a true rebel at heart, a rebel who does not do anything because of emotional affiliations or human reasoning. Make me a rebel at heart; someone who listens to the Lord’s command and will do anything to ensure it is fully obeyed. I give up my human pleasures and friendships once they interfere with my devotion to obedience. Lord, only you matter at the end of the day. May I make this stand ever so clear to all my human relations and dear ones. Amen.’