March 6, 2017

Genesis 3:8 (NKJV)

‘And they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden.’

The Lord is always coming to us in the cool of the day, in that season when we are rested and quiet and open to listening. He doesn’t usually come in the heat of distracted existence and the relentless pursuit of empty materialism. Yes, there is nothing wrong in having wealth, a good career, or an ambition to succeed. But the error is when these pursuits ‘hide us away’ from His presence when He comes looking for us. The error of pursuing wealth and ambition is that they hide us away from the divine invitation, keeping us distracted and busy and fulfilled in nothingness.

The spiritual life is in knowing how to be constantly prepared to enter His presence and to live in His presence, despite the days’ busy schedules. The root of sin is in the constant push to flee from the presence of God. Whatever draws you away from God’s presence is of sin.

‘Lord, help me to hear your movements towards me in the cool of the day. And even in my busy schedules of life, Lord may I have the inward coolness to hear when you are approaching closer and speaking to my inward man. Deliver me from the relentless pursuits of multiplied activities that keep me tied down to things and people when I should be listening to you. Amen.’


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