Genesis 3:23 (NKJV)
‘therefore the Lord God sent him out of the garden of Eden to till the ground from which he was taken.’
Here is a difficult verse. In my opinion, this is the saddest verse in the bible. Despite the clothing over of atonement, Adam and Eve were still sent out of the garden. It would seem that despite the forgiveness that Adam may have obtained, there were still consequences from his actions that he had to live with.
The tragedy of sin is that sometimes; even after we could have received forgiveness, we may yet have to bear the consequences of our past sinful actions. Yes, the sin in itself has been forgiven, but we still carry scars from the life of sin. How I wished that the story had ended with God leaving them in the Garden of Eden after the atonement and covering were made. But alas, this was not meant to be. And this pains my heart.
Your destiny can be totally altered simply by the products of sinful living. God had put the man in the Garden. Now God sent him out of the garden. His destiny was totally swapped and poverty had replaced the extensive riches planned for him. What a shame. What sorrow.
‘O Lord, may that never be my portion, in Jesus name. May I never lose out on the destiny you had earmarked for me because of my past rebellion and sinful behavior. Lord, may I find the mercy that is able to restore my broken past and renew my lost destiny. In Jesus name. Amen’