March 30, 2017

Genesis 6:6 (NKJV)

‘And the Lord was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart.’

God’s heart, breaks; and God’s heart was broken with the actions of mankind. God had had great expectations of Man and had desired another outcome from humankind, but lo! that was not to be. Man disappointed God in such a grievous way that God regretted having made Man in the first place. The same God who saw that it was good on the day He made Man, now only had sorrow and regret for making Man. What a turnaround!

So even God expresses regret and sorrow. And while this is a painful reality, it is a comforting sorrow to me that I can also experience regret and sorrow and it is not wrong to so feel. Disappointments will come from Man and we must expect and prepare for it. Knowing that Man will disappoint you is one step in overcoming the disappointment. It shouldn’t take you by surprise, even if it hurts you. Our primary concern should be: ‘May we not be among those who break God’s heart with sorrow.’

‘O Lord, may I walk in the ways of the Spirit so that I do not fulfill the desires of the flesh and break your heart. O Lord, may you never regret redeeming me and saving me, from myself. O Lord, may I fully utilize your grace so that I don’t respond with negativity to those who break my heart. O Lord, help me always bring you joy. Amen.’


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