April 1, 2017

Genesis 6:15 (NKJV)

‘And this is how you shall make it: The length of the ark shall be three hundred cubits, its width fifty cubits, and its height thirty cubits.’

Just as God had a clear verdict for Noah’s cancerous generation, God also had a prepared plan to save Noah from that world. God’s verdict on Mankind was, ‘…the earth is filled with violence through them; and behold, I will destroy them with the earth.’ Despite the pain in God’s heart towards the actions of mankind, He yet made a specific plan for redemption. Judgment does not contradict redemption. While God can in one breath declare judgment, in the same breath, He can make plans for the escape from His judgment. But we must follow His plan.

Noah had clear instructions on how to build the ark that will save him and his family. In the same way, we must be careful to follow the plans of God for our salvation. Deviating from the specific blueprint of God for any reason will lead you back to the waters of destruction. Salvation is not a human idea; salvation is God’s mercy to mankind and to experience His salvation, we must press in to follow the precise details of the prescription. Imagine the implication if Noah had deviated in a minute detail in the Ark’s construction?

So stick with God’s blueprint plan for your salvation. No deviation permitted.

‘Lord, you are all wise and we cannot even begin to imagine the length and breadth of your wisdom. In your specificity, you’ve outlined how we must believe and live as your children. O Lord, never permit me to think I can outsmart you by looking for my own ways of salvation. I trust you totally, and I will totally stick with your plans for my salvation, as revealed in your Word. I will not deviate, in Jesus name. Amen.’  


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