April 4, 2017

Genesis 7:11 (NKJV)

“In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, on that day all the fountains of the great deep were broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.”

There will be a specific day of God’s judgment and how I pray I am ready for that day. It was a specific day in the life of Noah and his family. But thankfully, God had prepared Noah and his family adequately such that they were not taken by surprise. Verse 13 says, ‘on the very same day’, Noah and his family entered the ark. So they knew. They were very sure of the day. They were ready.

Just as Noah and his family were sensitive to God and got ready for the day of judgment, so must we be ready. And even if we do not know the specific day of God’s impending wrath on the disobedient, as Saints of the Most High, we must always be ready either for death or for the Lord’s sudden return. Preparedness is our greatest insurance. The Ark was ready before the rain started. They simply had to enter the boat. Jesus our Ark is ready. We need to enter and remain inside the Ark, lest we come out and meet the fierceness of the judgment of God outside.

‘Lord, you know the specific day when your judgment will be released upon the earth. You know the day and the hour. May my family and I ever remain established within the folds of Jesus, where there is guaranteed safety from the wrath of the Almighty, on the Day of His Wrath. This I pray, in Jesus name.’


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