Genesis 7:16 (NKJV)
‘So those that entered, male and female of all flesh, went in as God had commanded him; and the Lord shut him in.’
God shut them into the Ark. I don’t believe it must have been easy for them within the Ark; it must have been stuffy and probably smelly. I imagine that there was very limited space to maneuver and that many of their leisure and pleasures were curtailed. But it was necessary for a season; it was the only path to escape the great floods taking place outside the Ark.
Comfort is not everything. When we live for comfort, we will stray outside the Ark of Salvation. There’s an Ark designed for everyone of us and we must be willing to limit ourselves to the Ark of deliverance. Your comfort is not the priority when your salvation is at stake. Jesus is that Ark and living in Jesus is walking the narrow path. The broad path leads to destruction and those who chose the broad path of pleasures and comforts, remained outside the Ark of God on the day of flooding. But if we let Him, God will shut us in; God will limit our movements and our itinerary. God will create boundaries and restrictions, but remember why He’s doing this. He’s keeping us away from the floods. So stop complaining about the constrictions in the narrow path. Stop admiring those Christians who seem to enjoy all of the world and all of the faith. The truth is, they are outside the Ark, except they choose to remain shut in by God.
‘O God, continue to shut me in and despite my discomfort and grumblings, keep me shut in within the Ark. The only way to stay safe is to stay within the Ark of Jesus and I choose this narrow path despite the limitations. I choose this way, Lord. Keep me safe in your Ark. Amen.’