Genesis 8:1 (NKJV)
‘Then God remembered Noah…And God made a wind to pass over the earth, and the waters subsided.’
The Lord remembers where you were shut-up. And since it was God Himself who shut you up in the season of constriction and limitedness, it will not last forever. ‘In your love Lord, bring us out of the Ark of temporary restriction, and bring us again into the land of freedom and abundance.’ While we sojourn on the earth, the constriction will never be fully released, but a time is coming when we will enter the Blessed Land Of Freedom, where the pleasures and abundance of God will be our inheritance. We wait for that day and we wait patiently.
Noah had nothing to do but to wait to be remembered. He was shut-in by God and only God could release Him. God knew where he was and knew when He would send the winds of change to blow over Noah’s situation. Noah did not pressure the Lord nor trouble Him about the timing. Noah simply had to wait patiently, and this he did until he was remembered.
May we need to learn to wait.
‘O God Almighty, teach me to wait. During the days of confinement when I begin to feel restless when you don’t permit me to exercise total liberty because of the raging storms out there, teach me to wait in those moments. I know you have not forgotten and the day is coming when I shall enter your blessed land, prepared for those whom you love. Amen.’