Genesis 8:20 (NKJV)
‘Then Noah built an altar to the Lord, and took of every clean animal and of every clean bird, and offered burnt offerings on the altar.’
On the day you experience God’s deliverance, build an altar. At the junction of victory, build an altar. At the place of remembrance, build an altar. When you have had an encounter with God, build an altar. It is important to raise an altar to God in your home, at work, in your heart. The altar is the place of worship; it’s a specific indication that you appreciate God for who He is and what He has done. A life devoid of its altars is a life devoid of God.
Note however that it’s not just raising the altar that counts but what’s placed on the altar. The altar must have a sacrifice on it, a clean sacrifice. Nothing defamed and unclean must be on that altar. The sacrifice must be acceptable to God. A holy God requires a holy and wholesome sacrifice. Giving God a sacrifice that costs us nothing is useless to God and will not attract a blessing.
Don’t keep rushing around and forgetting your personal altar, that place of personal encounter with and personal separation to God. And remember, the altar must carry the sacrifice of your deep worship and devotion. Correct altars and correct sacrifices always attract the presence of the Most High.
‘Lord, you have been amazing to me and it is the height of cruelty not to stop to acknowledge and worship your majesty. Help me, Lord, to slow down enough to meet with you at the altar, and may my worship and surrender be a sweet-smelling sacrifice that you will accept. This I pray for, in Jesus name. Amen.’