April 19, 2017

Genesis 12:2 (NKJV)

‘I will make you a great nation; I will bless you And make your name great; And you shall be a blessing.’

God’s promise to Abram was to make him great, but the process of making him great was a different ball game. God’s promises may be very clear but the protocols for fulfilment may be quite surprising. Despite Abram leaving his father’s house, we can glean three things God may have leaked as parameters for fulfilling the promise.

Firstly was, ‘I will bless you.’ You cannot become great without the blessings of God. It is the blessings of God that makes rich and adds no sorrow. God’s blessings on a life are the foundation of every other form of prosperity and greatness.

Secondly, ‘I will make you great.’ It is humbling to know that you cannot make yourself great. Greatness comes from the Great One, who chooses to make you great. Making involves the formation and shaping of a life and destiny. It is God who raises one up and puts one down. It is God who carves a life in such a way that he becomes recognized and becomes significant.

Thirdly, ‘You shall be a blessing.’ Intrinsic in the process of becoming great is the understanding of why you need greatness. Greatness is not an end but a means and a process. God wants men whom He can make great because He makes them into givers to His world. Having received, we must become His active channels of making others great.

‘Lord, make me great in Your way and Your timing, and use me as Your channel to elevate and make others great indeed, in Jesus name. Amen.


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