Genesis 12:4 (NKJV)
‘So Abram departed as the Lord had spoken to him, and Lot went with him. And Abram was seventy-five years old when he departed from Haran.’
Had Abram really departed ‘as the Lord had spoken to him’? God’s word to Abram was to depart ‘from your family and father’s house,’ yet out of compassion, Abram took his nephew Lot with him. The scripture doesn’t say Abram took Lot but Lot went with him. It might have been that Abram had tried to leave him behind, but Lot may still have insisted and came along anyway; and possibly, Abram didn’t have the heart to turn him back.
Whatever the reason, Abram had not departed as the Lord had spoken to him. He had taken with him, a man who later became a liability and could have derailed the patriarch from his divine destiny.
May we be careful as to whom we carry along on our journey. Some persons could be helped, and some others could lead us astray and away from God. We need to hear God as to whom we should bring into our homes because while compassion is good and needful, discernment is even more needful in these last days.
‘Father, may I not disobey You when I try to show compassion on friends and family. My destiny is connected to obeying You and I pray that I will not thwart Your plans for my life out of the need to show compassion to others. In Jesus name. Amen.’