May 7, 2017

Genesis 15:1 (NKJV)

‘….saying…I am your shield, your exceedingly great reward.”’

What more do I need? God has set out His promises for me and based on His word to me; I need to have peace. As He said to Abram, He says to me, ‘I am your shield; I am your exceedingly great reward.’ These two promises should secure any unstable life and should give you rest from the turbulence of life.

God says He is my shield; of whom then shall I be afraid? If the Almighty God is shielding me from the wiles of Satan, from the deceptions of worldliness, from the onslaught of evil men- why then should I fret? I hold on to His promise to me: ‘I am with you always.’ This should satisfy me always.

God says He is my exceeding great reward. With this promise, how then can I not labor exceedingly for Him? It is surely comforting to know that I am not serving in vain; that He notes my service to Him and by His grace, I will be rewarded. Isn’t this beautiful, even more so since He’s the One who enables me to serve Him and then He turns around and rewards me for this service? And He will not only reward me in the future, but He IS also (present tense) my present reward, and this reward is exceedingly great. Praise God.

‘Halleluja for these great and precious promises. With You as my Shield and Great Reward, life for me is so secure and balanced. Thank You Lord for who You are and what You are doing for me. Amen.’


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