Genesis 15:8 (NKJV)
‘And he said, “Lord God, how shall I know that I will inherit it?”’
Is it lack of faith to ask God questions? Or is it a sign of faith? What matters the most is not the question posed but the deep-seated motive for the question. If the heart is right, then the question will be received in good faith. If the motive is wrong, then even a seemingly good question can be an affront to God. God isn’t bothered by our questions; He’s only checking the underlying reason why the question is being asked.
Abram heard the promise. He believed. But he was curious to know how God would do it; not because he did not believe but because he couldn’t grasp how it was going to happen.
May we not be afraid to ask the right questions. And when we do ask, may we ask in the right manner with the right heart and the right motive.
‘Lord, I don’t understand You and I know Your ways are not like my ways. It will be presumptuous of me to expect to fully understand You, but Lord, in Your mercy, please be patient with me when I ask You some questions, for I will do so in faith and in hope. Amen.’