My greatest & only desire Lord is to live in perpetual & constant deep intimacy with You.
I don’t want to teach it or expound it but always live it & experience it.
I am fragile & unstable because I always hop in & out with You.
I don’t need the party or the crowd to satisfy; I need You Lord!
Only You can bring life & stability to my fragmented life.
Only You can make every segment of my life while.
I need more of You.
I need a deeper embrace.
I need You to overwhelm me in every way.
I need Your overshadowing that blocks out every other desire or pursuit.
Only You are real; everything else is a shadow.
Everything else is a shadow.
Make my heart only pursue after You.
Make my heart never satisfied with the glitter & gold of earthly or ministry achievements.
All are transient.
Take me deeper Lord.
Take me deeper still.”