Genesis 19:4 (NKJV)
‘Now before they lay down, the men of the city, the men of Sodom, both old and young, all the people from every quarter, surrounded the house.’
Sodom was not just destroyed because of a few wicked people in it. It was destroyed because dark evil had penetrated every stratum, age group and quarter in the city. Satanism overwhelmed it, and the people were perverted in every way.
How did Sodom get to this point when a man like Lot and his family lived there? How did it happen that none of the women and children were influenced by Lot’s wife and children? How could darkness so effectively overtake the city yet Abraham referred to Lot and his family as righteous persons in the same city? Has light lost its power?
May we see the evangelization of our communities as our primary duties. What we need may not be programmed outreaches as much as natural interactions with the people all around us. The natural expression of light eventually will draw men into the warm embrace of God and may indeed forestall the judgment planned on that land. We must let our light shine.
‘Lord, take me beyond structured systematic outreaches. Make me a spontaneous witness for Your glory, in the natural relationships I am part of every day. May it never be said that I lived or worked in a neighborhood and the people still never got to hear about you. O Lord, let Your light shine ever so brightly through me. Amen.’