July 20, 2017

Genesis 27:1 (NKJV)

“Now it came to pass, when Isaac was old and his eyes were so dim that he could not see…”

One unchanging reality of nature is that the sight becomes dim with age. As one gets older, our natural sight becomes less sharp, and clarity begins to fade from us. In the same way, however, it is possible for our spiritual sight also to become dimmer as we grow older, just as our physical eyes become dim. Rather than become more discerning, we may need to depend on others to provide us with guidance.

Grave mistakes happen when we lose spiritual discernment. Isaac blessed the younger instead of, the older, simply because his sight had grown dim. We need to continually seek an increase in spiritual discernment, as we grow older in age. We need to stay spiritually sharp and focused, even when we grow old in life and ministry. Don’t depend on your human faculties & experience for correct judgment. Isaac trusted in understanding the real voice, the smell and the touch of Esau so as to be able to judge right, but he still failed in identifying the deception.

Deceptions increase when our discernment decrease. We must stay alert at all times.

“O God, do not let my spiritual eyes ever die, in Jesus name. Amen.”*/-


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