Genesis 29:20 (NKJV)
“So Jacob served seven years for Rachel, and they seemed only a few days to him because of the love he had for her.”
There’s nothing as fulfilling as working for a cause you believe in. Labor is sweet when the heart is involved, and the pains from hard work may seem irrelevant when the purpose for the work is delightful to the laborer. For Jacob, the seven years meant nothing to him once he kept his eyes on the objective of the labor. At the end of the years, he was expectant to receive his beautiful bride.
The secret to persevering labor is keeping the end-goal clear, accessible and visible. If we serve without the assurance of the benefits of the end goal, then work will be halfhearted. The early church had a very clear vision of the soon return of Jesus, and the expectation of this quick return served as a stimulus for ministry and godly living. The hope of reconciling with Jesus in heaven was another reason the early Church survived the vicious persecution of their age.
Persevering service in any form needs a clear vision that empowers and motivates. For your life as well as for others, make the goal for service worth serving.
“Lord, meeting You one day is enough motivation to keep me living right, loving right and acting right. I will not look anywhere else or desire anything or anyone above You. You are the reason for my living, and You forever will be. Amen.”