Genesis 30:30 (NKJV)
“…And now, when shall I also provide for my own house?”
It’s noble to bless and serve the global enterprise and build the community projects, but in all this, you must never forget your own family. If by building the community cause, your personal family is also being enhanced; that’s great. But if not, one needs to keep asking: “at the end of my voluntary service to the community, is my family better off or worse off? Do I have any contingency plan to prosper my family or am I investing all in someone else’s vision to the detriment of my family?”
Balance is needed. Jacob had been a blessing to Laban, but he began to sense it was time to move on and build his own legacy. And he was open about it by informing Laban.
If we don’t make contingency plans for our family’s prosperity and future, don’t be surprised that the legacy you leave for your posterity is but poverty.
“I need the balance Oh Lord. I will not mortgage my family for the sake of the community or the ministry. I will serve everyone else and play my roles as much as possible, but Lord, please show me how to invest and protect and develop my family, even while I serve others. Teach me when to stop serving others if it is becoming a danger to my family. I ask You to help me find this balance Oh Lord, in Jesus’ name. Amen.”