October 15, 2017

Genesis 40:23 (NKJV)

“Yet the chief butler did not remember Joseph, but forgot him.”

Once the Butler was restored to Pharaoh’s palace and started enjoying the new life of luxury and pleasure, he totally forgot Joseph. Amazing. Until two full years had passed before God gave Pharaoh a dream that led to Joseph’s deliverance.

Even when men forget us, God will remember us. That is the good news. By the nature of Man, we tend to use people to get ahead and then forget them. Our relevance seems only tied to our usefulness for the moment, and once we have achieved our goals, we forget the instruments used to bring us to success. It’s the inherent selfishness of Man, and it’s standard with humankind. So don’t be surprised if Men use you. Let our comfort only be that we know that God remembers us and our destiny is therefore not in the hands of men but the hands of God.

Beloved, don’t let your heart be troubled because you seem abandoned. You are not. You are securely placed in and surrounded by God. He is the only One who has the final say concerning your life. Man cannot be your destiny-controller. If God wants you to be Prime Minister of Egypt, that destiny is not in the hands of any Egyptian but firmly in the hands of God. So relax!

“Lord, I am again so reassured by Your message. My destiny is not in the hands of those who remember or forget me. My fate is in the hands of the Almighty. Hallelujah. Amen.”


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