October 16, 2017

Genesis 41:2-4 (NKJV)

“…there came up out of the river seven cows, fine looking and fat; and they fed in the meadow.Then behold, seven other cows came up after them out of the river, ugly and gaunt…And the ugly and gaunt cows ate up the seven fine looking and fat cows…”

There will always be fine and not so fine specimen of everything. Even in the spiritual life, there are fine and ugly Christians. The fine are marked and made fine by one thing: they feed in the meadows (green nourished grasslands). As long as they fed on these lush green pastures, they remained fine looking and fat. The secret to beauty is in feeding. Once we are feeding our spirits right, we have no option but to come out looking beautiful.

But the ugly and gaunt are this way also because of what they fed on or did not feed on. They were by the same river as the fine cows, but they fed on the healthy cows. Cows were never meant to get nourished by feeding on cows. Cows are to get nourishment by feeding on lush grasses. So even if the gaunt cows fed on the fine cows, they remained gaunt and ugly because they were feeding wrongly.

Watch what you feed on. Don’t feed off covetousness, longing to consume what others have. Feed on the green grasses of God’s Word and God’s Presence, and you will be beautiful. Don’t envy and attack and consume the fine ones around you. Such actions will add nothing to your beauty neither make you look more nourished, but they will only add to your ugliness. Feed right and your beauty will shine forth.


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