Genesis 42:3-4 (NKJV)
“So Joseph’s ten brothers went down to buy grain in Egypt. But Jacob did not send Joseph’s brother Benjamin with his brothers, for he said, ‘Lest some calamity befall him.’”
I am sure it must have pained the other brothers that their dad could not entrust Benjamin to their care, but Jacob had a legitimate reason to be afraid. He had history to show that his sons were not responsible enough to take care of what was valuable to him.
Don’t complain when men don’t trust you. The only way to prove yourself trustworthy is to be trustworthy. Those who have shown themselves capable of managing resources and stewarding precious tasks handed over to them will be further entrusted with other items.
Trust begets trust. I may trust you in one area but not in another. Only when we have overcome the temptations wherein we failed in the past, can a higher responsibility be handed over to us.
“Lord, I pray that I will always be known by my close friends and family, as someone to be trusted. So grant me the extra diligence to be found trustworthy. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”