October 29, 2017

Genesis 42:8 (NKJV) 

“So Joseph recognized his brothers, but they did not recognize him.”

What you set before you is what your remember. What you place as your priority is what you will be thinking about and be expecting to encounter. Forgetfulness is the result of not thinking regularly on something.

Joseph had been thinking of his brothers, and this kept their faces ever before his mind. As a consequence of this constant meditation, the images of his brethren remained fresh before him; hence it was easy to identify them when they appeared. But the brothers had imagined Joseph dead, so there was no expectation or recollection. It’s amazing that they saw Joseph face to face and could not recognize him at all.

Whatsoever is, therefore, precious to you, place such regularly before your eyes and in your mind. Don’t let it slip away into the oblivion of forgetfulness. The only way to combat forgetfulness is to meditate upon the object of priority regularly. 

“Lord, may I place You as my priority before me all the day long; followed by my family and loved ones. May ministry never overshadow these two first priorities, in Jesus’ name. Then show me the other things that are of priority to Your heart and help me place them as my priorities as well. This way, I will always remember the things that are important to You. Amen.” 


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