November 3, 2017

Genesis 43:12 (NKJV)

“Take double money in your hand, and take back in your hand the money that was returned in the mouth of your sacks; perhaps it was an oversight.”

Restitution is a correct biblical principle and practice. Of course, not all things are restitutable, but wherever it is possible, we should do it. The test of genuine repentance is in the willingness to return what you took that did not belong to you. If I intentionally continue to keep what does not belong to me when it is possible to return it to the rightful owner, then my repentance is not complete.

Jacob was a wise man. He knew that it would spell grave danger if the sons went back to Egypt without paying back the monies that they found in their sacks. He also knew that even if Egypt was unaware of it, the correct and fair thing to do was to offer it back to them. That’s integrity and truthfulness.

Likewise, may we never keep what does not belong to us; and if we wrongfully possess what does not belong to us, at the earliest opportunity, let’s be quick to return it to the rightful own. This is one of the high pillars of true repentance.

“Show me Lord, when, how and where I need to restitute, and by the grace, You will provide, I will obey You, Lord. Amen.”


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