November 9, 2017

Genesis 44:33 (NKJV)

“Now therefore, please let your servant remain instead of the lad as a slave to my lord, and let the lad go up with his brothers.”

Judah understood the implications of returning without Benjamin. He knew it was an automatic death warrant on his aged father. He was aware that the price would be too much for the old man to pay; so he decided to offer himself as a replacement for Benjamin. What love? What sacrifice?

You need to be willing to be the substitute for your brethren. You need to see ways and opportunities to redeem them out of their problems and bondages. Belonging to a family must not just be an issue of having a joint-name; belonging to a family requires sacrifice. You can’t say you belong to a family or a team, and yet you are unwilling to make the needed sacrifice for members of the team.

We need to follow the Jesus way by being willing to redeem our brethren through our sacrifice.

“Lord, I pray that I can follow this Jesus way and be ready to make costly sacrifices for the sake of those I love. This I pray for, in Jesus’ name. Amen.”


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