January 1, 2018

Matthew 1:1 (NKJV) 

“The book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, the Son of David, the Son of Abraham:” 

The entire genealogy of Jesus is anchored around two figures namely, David and Abraham. Although the proceeding verses give a more detailed account of all the ancestors of Jesus, these two men were first of all laid out as the main pillars for the entire ancestry. Why did the Holy Scriptures choose these two people as the pillars out of the many others that could have been selected, including several great prophets, kings, warriors, and priests? I don’t have the answer, but it’s a burning question. One thing is sure. These two men were significant enough in the history of the Jewish race and the genealogy of the Messiah to have been separated in this way. 

When God writes the history of your generation and people, do you think you will feature as one of the anchors who forged the destiny of your clan and your race? Have you walked with God and invested in the future destiny of your people? Like Abraham, and David can you say that you have played a pivotal role in the direction your family took in her journey towards her final destiny? For the Jews, all her history was tied to the revealing of the Messiah and these two men were critical in that genealogy. In the journey of the revealing of Christ in your family-clan and your people, what investments have you made that would guaranty your being mentioned in the annals of heaven? 

“Lord, I do not seek the fame of being mentioned as anybody here on earth for all earthy accolades will surely pass away. But Lord, may I serve my generation faithfully and dutifully. May heaven accept the sacrifices of my labors as worthy of being remembered and registered for all these labors were done by the grace and enablement and to the glory of the Lord Jesus Himself. Amen.” 


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