Matthew 2:8 (NKJV)
“And he sent them to Bethlehem and said, ‘Go and search carefully for the young Child, and when you have found Him, bring back word to me, that I may come and worship Him also.’”
Insecure men in power can be carnivorous. These men will do anything to crush and destroy anyone they suspect of being a competitor. People in authority who are unsure of themselves are some of the most dangerous men to deal with because they are very unpredictable with the power they possess. It’s amazing how many people have so much power, wealth, fame, and authority; and yet are so insecure in themselves.
We must, therefore, learn to hear more clearly from the Spirit when dealing with such men. There is certain information that we need to hide from them because we know how volatile and quickly threatened they can become. For Herod, he began hunting the child, even using deceit to gain the information he needed to execute his wickedness. He got some info from the chief priests and scribes and needed the final pieces of the puzzle from the wise men. On the surface, Herod’s requests looked genuine, but he was a carnivore beneath; a fearful but fiery lion, lurking and waiting to devour its prey. O, that the scribes and priests were as discerning as the Wise Men to have protected the name of Bethlehem.
“Lord, grant me the wisdom to know how to interact with leaders in authority, particularly if I sense they are insecure men. Give me the discernment to know what information to share with him and what information to withhold. Help me hear Your Spirit and not his words. Increase my capacity to hear You, Lord, even as the Wise Men did. This I ask in Jesus name.”